tirsdag 26. februar 2013

Sometimes it all goes a bit wrong...

It isn't always easy to get work done done with children around... Which is why I try to do most of it when they are in school and nursery.
My youngest however, normally finds his own ways of getting involved, and adding a personal touch.
A couple of days ago I was plaiting a couple of straps to go with a new biiig bag (coming soon...)
With that all done and very happy with the result, I left them on my desk ready to be attached to the bag. (not a wise move)
Especially since there was a bottle of window cleaner on the desk as well. A lot of window cleaner later and a very clean glass top resulted also in a very soaked strap, not at all suitable for a big, lush bag...

What to do??

After a little rummage around in my drawers, I found a suitable clasp/fastener to attach to the strap - and What was a stiff and slightly faded wrap, had been turned into a belt. (luckily the strap was the same width as my waist...)

Kjersti Willett

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